Dog outdoors

You may be taking Fido out more often during the Coronavirus pandemic, but on summer months, there are additional safety measures you must take to protect your pet’s health.

Pets struggle to keep cool on those hot days. Overheating can cause serious health issues such as heat stroke, which can lead to organ failure or even death if it’s not treated quickly.

Dogs do not cool as effectively as we do and what is warm for us can be blazing hot for them.

Here are veterinarian-approved tips for keeping pets safe when the weather is warm:

  • Provide your pet with unrestricted access to fresh, clean water.
  • Never leave your pet in the car on warm days, not even for a couple of minutes. Vehicle interiors heat up quickly and temperatures inside cars can soar as high as 160°F within minutes. Remember that a cracked window will not cool the car.
  • Do not over-exercise your pet. Outdoor activity is more taxing on your pet’s body when it’s hot outside.
  • Before going out with your pet, hold the palm of your hand on the pavement and make sure it’s a comfortable temperature for sensitive paws. Hot pavement radiates a lot of heat, which can burn your pet’s paws, and can also be a source of indirect heat exposure as your jogging/walking companion is much closer to the ground than you are!
  • Ideal times to exercise your pet outside in the summer months are before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m., to ensure your pet is not outside during peak temperatures and sun exposure.
  • When possible, keep your pet indoors in cool, air-conditioned areas.
  • After any outdoor activity, help your pet cool off by soaking their paws in cold water. You may want to invest in a dog pool, if you get a portable one you can take it with you anywhere.

Symptoms of Overheating in Dogs
Keep a close eye on your pet for symptoms of overheating, which include excessive panting, increased heart rate, and drooling. Please seek veterinary care immediately, if your dog displays seizures, collapsing, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea.

Enjoy Your New Summer ‘Normal’ During the Pandemic
During this pandemic, walking your dog and engaging in fun outdoor activities are great ways to boost the physical and mental well-being of you both. Just remember to keep 6-feet distance from anyone and take heat safety precautions to make sure you and your pet have a great summertime, despite the COVID-19 outbreak.

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