February is Heart(Worm) Month
Published February 5, 2018

Heartworm is a nasty disease affecting our pets, and mosquitoes transmit it from pet to pet. As the name suggests, heartworms live in the heart, and they can also thrive in the lungs and blood vessels. Because they constrict blood flow, they can damage internal organs and cause lung disease and heart failure.
The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) advises twice-a-year testing for dogs living in areas known to have an abundance of mosquitos and active heartworm disease. If your dog has missed any doses of prevention, it is especially important to test regularly.
If a dog does not have proof of a negative heartworm test and consistent heartworm prevention in the past year, we re-test in six months. This is because heartworms must be approximately six months old before an infection can be diagnosed. Catching heartworm disease early is much safer for pets and easier to treat.
Our heartworm test at Essentials PetCare is only $25! View our services page for more information and check in to get your pet tested today.
Prices subject to change – view all current pricing here.
Information sourced from the Heartworm Society.
Prices subject to change. See current prices: https://essentialspetcare.com/services.