Essentials PetCare recommends heartworm tests for dogs every 6 months
Published June 10, 2017

The Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) advises twice-a-year testing for dogs living in areas known to have an abundance of mosquitos and active heartworm disease. If your dog has missed any doses of prevention, it is especially important to test regularly. Essentials PetCare will re-test in six months because heartworms must be approximately seven months old before an infection can be diagnosed. Catching heartworm disease early is much safer for pets and easier to treat.
Signs of heartworm disease may include:
Mild persistent cough
Decreased appetite
Weight loss
A heartworm test is just $25 at Essentials PetCare and includes a portable prescription for heartworm prevention with a negative test result. Heartworm tests are also included in our bundled vaccine packages for dogs.
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